Hotel & Accommodation
in Spain
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Spain has an exceptional hotel network with respect to the number variety and quality of its establishments. They are located all over the country and are able to respond to any demand or possibility. Spanish hotels (H) are classified in five categories, identifiable by from one to five stars. Stars are assigned according to the services and characteristics of each establishment. There is also a reduced number of five-star hotels with truly exceptional characteristics have also earned the highest rating, known as GRAN LUJO (Grand Luxury).
The so-called hostal-residences (HsR), rated on the same scale as other hotels, are those without a restaurant. However, they do serve breakfast, provide room service and have either a bar or cafeteria. Hostals (Hs) are similar to hotels, albeit more modest, and constitute another lodging option. they are classified in three categories, from one to 3 stars.
Another option is offered by casas de huespedes (CH) which in Spain are called pensiones (P). With a great tradition in Spain they are generally cosy, comfortable establishments whose installations and services may range from the bare minimum to the relatively luxurious. Normally operated as family businesses, the price usually includes only lodging and meals, which are frequently excellent.
"Pensiones" can be an ideal option for visitors interested in getting to know Spain in a deeper sense and getting off the more frequented tourist routes. Top Hotel Destinations in Spain:
Camp Grounds
Spain has some 800 campsites with a capacity for around
400,000 campers. Located all over the country, they are especially
numerous in coastal areas and are rated according to their
characteristics and installations, much like hotels. Their
rates vary according the quantity and quality of their services.
In the event visitors opt for camping outside of established
campsites, it is advisable to consult beforehand to make
sure there are no municipal prohibitions affecting the desired
campsite. If you wish to camp on private land, it is necessary
to attain the owner's permission beforehand.
The Spanish Camping Federation (Federación Española
de Empresarios de Campings y Ciudades de Vacaciones) is located
at General Oráa 52-2ºd 28006 Madrid Tel: (91)
562 9994
Health Resorts
Spain has over 90 health resorts or thermal spas, some of
which date from remote antiquity and have been in use through
the centuries. All these establishments offer besides curative
treatments for a wide range of maladies, a diversity of hotels
and sport and recreational installations. For more information,
visit or call La Asociacion Nacional de Estaciones Termales
(Health Resort Association) at Martin de los Heros 23-4 28008
Madrid Tel: (91) 542 9775.