Postal Service
The Spanish Postal Service has over 6,000 offices all over
the country, including small villages, railway stations, ports
and airports. They provide a wide range of modern and efficient
The principal offices in Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao, as
well as those located in the international airports, are open
24 hours a day.
The services carried out by the Postal Service are of two
fundamental types: those that are purely postal in nature such
as those relating to different kinds of correspondence, and
those that are known as postal banking services, dealing with
money, such as postal and telegraphic money orders. In each
office, there is a service called the Postal List where one
can register to receive all types of correspondence, packages
or money orders, which, in turn, can be forwarded to hotels
or any other address.
The stamps required for mailing correspondence are sold at
Post Offices and outlets known as "estancos" which
are establishments authorised to sell tobacco, stamps and seals
and which form an extensive network covering practically the
entire country.
For information on the many varied services offered by the
Spanish Post Office, call (91) 536-0110. |