6 red mullets
6 whitings
3/4 kg gray mullet
1 sea spider
1 angler tail
2 chili peppers
1 onion
1/2 kg potatoes
1 John Dory
400g rice
200g ali-oli (a garlic and olive oil sauce)
Seasoning: garlic and bay leaf
The different types of fish are very typical of the Mar Menor
area and give the stew its characteristic flavor. Cook the
angler, sea spider, red mullet, John Dory, the onion (in quarter
pieces), a clove of garlic and a bay leaf together with several
small potatoes in water to which salt has been added. Poach
the ingredients for half an hour on a low heat. Then add the
whitings, red and gray mullets and cook for another ten or
fifteen minutes. Add the two fried chili peppers and two or
three cloves of garlic (all of it crushed). Remove the broth
from the heat and take out the fish, the angler tail and the
potatoes. Remove the bones and leave them with a little broth
near the heat. Strain off the rest of the broth, crush the
remaining pieces and pass them through a strainer. Use the
broth to prepare rice which should be rather soupy. Serve the
rice first and then the fish arranged on a separate plate with
the potatoes. A rather strong ali-oli sauce is served
as an accompaniment.
Recommended reading
My Kitchen in Spain: 235 Authentic Regional Recipes Celebrating Vibrant
Regional Flavors - Janet Mendel
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